At New City Cares you'll find health, help, and hope.

New City is here to help and support you through challenging times in your life. We are available to provide prayer, emotional support, and spiritual counseling. We can provide additional support through groups, workshops & seminars, outside referrals, counseling, and other resources.

Looking for resources and care? 


Marriage Journey
Discover all that God designed marriage to be. Let us know how we can best serve you and your loved one.


Recovery Journey
No matter what you are struggling with we want to help you find freedom in and through Jesus. Join the journey today.


We can pray for you. You can also join us as we worship, pray for one another, and encourage each other for a prayer service.


Single Mom's Journey
Moms will find encouragement and practical resources designed to assist and equip them in helping meet the challenges of life as a single mom in a community of women who understand what they may be walking through.

NCC 2-18-17

Grief Journey
Grief can be complex, disruptive, and difficult. This group is designed to support you as you navigate through the grieving process.