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The Chicago PEACE Plan was born out of a desire to bring positive, collaborative and sustainable change to Chicago neighborhoods in need of revitalization. We believe that the obstacle to change in communities is not a lack of resources, but a lack of relationship between community stakeholders.

What is our approach?

Every number is a name.  We believe in the God-given dignity and significance of every individual. At the heart of the problems in our city are individuals whose lives have been impacted by poverty, violence and marginalization. People are the point.

Think big, act small. We know that the complex problems in neighborhoods can’t be solved overnight. We work toward incremental but measurable goals, and we are prepared to celebrate small wins as a means to big change.

Equity is ownership. Our goal is to empower communities and neighborhoods to be agents of their own change and revitalization, and to see the results of that change reinvested in communities for their ongoing benefit.

Change is always local. Our approach is not to address one issue across the entire city, but to address one neighborhood at a time, assessing its unique needs and addressing those needs through multiple channels.

Where are we working?

Garfield Park is the first neighborhood focus of the Chicago PEACE Plan. Once a thriving business and cultural hub of Chicago, Garfield Park today is considered one of the most impoverished and violent neighborhoods in Chicago.

For more info contact [email protected]